*Fee- based financial planning offered through Eagle Strategies LLC A Registered Investment Advisor.
Finding the right financial professional can feel daunting. Whether you find potential financial professionals via a referral or your own research, asking them these questions can help you determine if they’re the right fit for you and your finances.
From budgeting to banking to investing, there’s an app for just about every part of your personal finances, but can an app really offer the same service as a real human? Here’s why you should consider managing your finances IRL.
Your strongest asset as a small-business owner is your employees. A financial wellness program can be an easy and scalable way to show your employees that you are there to support them in their lives at work and at home. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
Having a child has always been a big decision, and a big expense, but how much more do new parents today have to pay than their parents did? Here’s what it costs to raise a child in 2023, compared with 1983, and advice on how to manage the expense.
Risk is inseparable from return, and every investment involves some degree of risk. If you invest in assets like stocks and bonds, you will almost inevitably be exposed to risks like market volatility and downturns.